Sunday morning services at 11:15 a.m.


We look forward to worshiping God with you!


We welcome you to join us in worshiping God on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. at 413 Simcoe Street in Beaverton. This is a “come as you are” sort of place with a blended worship style. We pair a traditional choir with a contemporary worship band, where there is something for everyone. We welcome all to join in the service!


We start with announcements and a Call to Worship, and then some contemporary songs - or hymns to get us started - at 11:15 a.m. We wrap up usually in about an hour.


During the service, Sunday school is available for grade school-aged children, with other options during summer months..


The Nursery is also available for babies and children who are not in school yet. We welcome parents to drop off their kids before the service (at the nursery) or right after the children’s story (for grade school age children). Children are always welcome to stay in the service as well!



© 2025 - Beacan Presbyterian Church

Beacan is fully wheelchair accessible.